“The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.” -Marie Kondo

Natalie is amazing! I desperately needed my closet organized and definitely needed to get rid of a ton of things that I had for years but never wore or used. Other parts of my home are tidy except my personal closet so it bothered me to not have it organized.

In our first dialogue discussing my need for tidying, Natalie made sure to follow up with me to make sure that I stayed on top of my own commitment because she understood how important it was to me- MAJOR PLUS! It was very easy to schedule with Natalie and she was on time for both of the sessions that I scheduled.

I have never had some one come to my home to help me with ANYTHING, so I put a lot of trust in Natalie and she did not disappoint.

If you ever need help with tidying any part of your home, Tidy Warrior is the way to go! I am very pleased with the transformation of my closet and drawers and it really brings me so much joy every time I need to get dressed.


- Chanell R. from Oakland, CA


Natalie stayed with me, object by object, until everything found a home, even if it wasn't in mine anymore. Letting go over 200 pounds of stuff became magical in other areas of my life. It wasn't just about reorganizing my things in cute ways. It was feeling a stronger connection to my inner voice on other matters -- how I felt about certain relationships, the big projects I wanted to work on next year, and the other things I wanted to let go of in my life that wasn't material. As a new mom trying to unpack intergenerational trauma and an artist entrepreneur who has to set my own agenda, tidying my life with Natalie helped me face all things I had been guarding by getting honest about what didn't serve me anymore. It wasn't easy and I procrastinated like hell with the hard things, but she was there to see me emerge anew.

This kind of thing is a lifestyle change, a way of looking in the mirror in an honest way, and I highly recommend it if you're wanting to feel brave and need a change.

- Susan L. from Seattle, WA (virtual client)

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Natalie is truly a joy to work with! She is a "spark joy" coach who has helped my family tremendously in tidying up our mess of a garage that served as our office, pantry, kids' toys and clothes storage, and all of our miscellany. In only 4 sessions, Natalie worked with us to not only pare down and tidy up this crucial space for us but also make the process fun! I'm not being superfluous here when I say truly, her effervescent attitude made the process FUN. 

A couple of things to highlight about Natalie in particular: 

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1) She is extremely organized and detail-oriented. This is something that I require of someone. She's not a consultant who simply helps you tidy, her onboarding process, her followup emails, her before/after pictures, all create an experience that makes you recognize your accomplishment. And that is a huge motivation to keep going. 

2) Natalie enables your future success by actually giving you tips/tricks on how to MAINTAIN the tidiness. This is key. I have now had three KonMari experts help us. THREE. And each time within a month or two, our house was a a mess again because KIDS! Their art projects, all the holiday gifts, more food, more toys, more stuff! I would get overwhelmed yet again. But working with Natalie has eliminated that because she has armed me with the knowledge and skills to maintain the tidiness. Like using a filing system to choose and highlight my kids' artwork! Or how to deal with and rotate gifts. Choosing what sparks joy my way

3) Natalie is flexible. She is isn't militant about following everything strictly because ultimately, she recognizes that the process has to work for my family. So she asks, listens, and then customizes what works best for us. I really appreciate that about her.

If you're thinking about welcoming some tidiness into your life, work with Natalie! The external tidiness that working with her will bring a side benefit of feeling more ordered and aligned internally. She is amazing!

- Bea K. from San Carlos, CA

"Warrior" is the perfect name for Natalie, especially with tackling the battlefield of 'stuff' you have piled up from years of ignoring old hobbies, unwanted gifts, and kids growing quickly. She took the intimidating KonMari process and broke it down, held my hand, consistently celebrated my wins, and encouraged me the whole time. She did this all through 2020 for me virtually and her energy shines through virtually. If you can do a socially distance in person session, she is also a powerhouse of getting stuff done.

Thanks to 6 months with Tidy Warrior, I now have a tidy muscle that's getting in shape I can show off at the beach this summer.

- Teresa L. from San Jose, CA

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My biggest pain point was my kitchen. I live in a condo that had no pantry space and had awkward cabinet storage angles I couldn’t utilize. I love to cook and this kitchen space was such an eyesore for me everyday.

After tidying my whole place, not only did we maximize my kitchen space, but I was able to pare down from 3 closets to just 2. The 3rd closet was unused space after our tidying marathon and Natalie suggested converting it into a pantry. I would have NEVER thought to do that in a million years! Now I can have my dream pantry that I always wanted but never thought of until we tidied up! Truly sparked joy for me!

- Anne B. from San Jose, CA